The Reality Legion

The Reality Legion

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The God Delusion w/ Richard Dawkins pt.1


  1. This was an excellent read. I'm an Atheist as godless as they come and probably didn't need much convincing. But there were some things that I found particularly interesting, like the writing on morality. Refuting religion is one thing, because it's so obviously a fantasy thing. That's why we're so arrogant about it. We just can't help it. But at the same time, it's important not to fall into the moral relativism trap, and by showing with many good examples that morality is part of our genes, this book has been very helpful to me. I think the critics, that often seems to have read the book up-side down should read that part again.

  2. Thanks for the response Eesti, I was beginning to think there was no one out there...I don't even check for comments hence the late response but I will be on the lookout from here on out. I know we are born with a moral sense of mutual cooperation simply by watching children who know nothing of any gods learn to work out their differences fairly at play. It's all elementary if we think about it. I guess therein lies the problem, it's easier to let some invisible entity do the thinking for us.
